The Art of Defensive Appraising – 4 HRS – Elective for Appraisers
Join our Zoom class designed for continuing education for appraisers and brokers/salespersons.
This 4-hour course will enable the Appraiser and Realtor to understand the nuances brought about by the financial crisis and how it has impacted the appraisal process. Regulatory changes will be reviewed and how these changes have created greater accountability and demand for quality appraisal reports. Case studies will be analyzed and discussed to assist the student in a more in-depth understanding of appraisal report writing.
$100.00 – $125.00
Coordinator – Linda J. Fusco, CEO.
Instructor – Len Fiore, New York State and TAF Approved Instructor, Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, Licensed Associate Broker.